Organizational and methodological support for experimental research

I. V. Kovalev

V. V. Losev


Keywords: scientific research, experimental setup, technological object, process automation.


The paper discusses the approach to organizational and methodological support of scientific research, in terms of experimental research. The approach reflects the comparability of the principles and methods implemented in the automation of technological processes, subject to the formalization of the technological process (TP) in solving the problems of experimental research and the development of TP regulations, the availability of an automation object and the operating parameters of the TP. As an example, we consider a model of an experimental setup for studying the hydrodynamic characteristics of heat and mass transfer devices on an air-water system. The characteristics of the technological control object and description of the TP, the tasks of servicing the automation object are given, and the main equipment of the drawer column, raw materials and components involved in the process of heat and mass transfer in the water-air system, as well as the types and parameters of energy carriers used during the TP are considered. The most important technological limitations that can deviate from the operational parameters of the TP have been identified. In general, the automation of scientific research and the possibility of multiple confirmation of results make it possible to ensure the task of serial testing. Registration of the results obtained, as experimental protocols and their subsequent analysis, allows us to improve the technology of conducting experiments, as well as the operating modes of technological equipment and the technological process being implemented.

Author Biographies

I. V. Kovalev

Igor Kovalev, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of softwaare engineering, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

V. V. Losev

Vasiliy Losev, candidate of technical sciences, docent, department of automation of production processes, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


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