Lean manufacturing tools: 5S workplace organization system

V. V. Losev


M. V. Saramud


I. V. Kovalev


DOI: https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2023-2-3-0425-0437

Keywords: lean manufacturing, working group, standardization, reduction of wastes


Lean manufacturing tools and technologies are becoming the de facto standard in many industries, both where manual, skilled labor predominates, and where a developed system of division of labor is implemented. Focus on process debugging becomes the main task of streamlining many factors related to reducing time for non-production activities, organizing the workplace and arrangement of tools and materials, communication and communication with other participants in the process, direct reduction of barracks through a responsible attitude to resources and materials, as well as targeted maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises. The 5S system under consideration is aimed at methodically reducing the number of accidents; increasing the level of product quality, reducing the number of defects; creating a comfortable psychological climate, stimulating the desire to work; increasing labor productivity. Formally, the methodology is focused on a number of cyclically related operations, accompanied by the following actions: separating necessary items from unnecessary items from the work area; the necessary items are contained in such a way that they can be easily used; the work area is kept clean and tidy; consolidating the cycle of actions as a new skill (standard). However, despite the simplicity of the methodology, there is one very important factor - the human factor associated with the reluctance to change anything, both in terms of organizing the workplace and the transition to new principles of doing work. And here a special role is played by the organizer of change - a person with high communication skills who is able to convince of the correctness of the approaches being used, their feasibility and economic efficiency. The undeniable advantage of the 5S methodology is the possibility of end-to-end communication, both horizontal and vertical, the opportunity to hear rational ideas from workers performing specific actions. The second significant advantage is the low cost of implementing the 5S system, since many improvements can be introduced only by revising the production activities of personnel.

Author Biographies

V. V. Losev

Vasiliy Losev, candidate of technical sciences, docent, department of automation of production processes, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology», docent, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

M. V. Saramud

Mikhail Saramud, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department of informatics, Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «Siberian Federal University», Krasnoyarsk, Russia

I. V. Kovalev

Igor Kovalev, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of computer science, Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «Siberian Federal University», professor, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


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