Social functions of network education

A. O. Zhukov

I. N. Kartsan


Keywords: network education, educational policy, philosophy, practical education, social institution.


The concept of network continuous education provides a fundamental basis for systemic transition to large-scale informatization and introduction of new information technologies in education. The conceptual framework should include relevant aspects: the goal of education informatization, theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept, main trends of education informatization, new information technologies of education, teaching staff, pedagogical problems of education informatization, informatization of education management, resource support and management of the process of education informatization, competencies in the digital economy and provide answers to current and future challenges. On the basis of metalogical basis the key role of information and communication in education, competence formation, as well as the main contextual condition for the emergence of the phenomenon of education in general, the irresistible need for specially organized fast, complete, accurate, reliable transfer of information for learning purposes (formation of various abilities, competences, qualifications of a person as an information product of nature) is substantiated. Considered social functions of network continuous education realizing special competence-oriented services and intellectually adaptive environments in education. It is shown that the social function of education, on the one hand, is characterized as the preparation of generations for independent life, on the other hand, it lays the foundation for the future society and forms the image of man in the future.

Author Biographies

A. O. Zhukov

Aleksander Zhukov,- Dr. Sc., Professor, deputy scientific director, «Analytical Center», Moscow, Russia

I. N. Kartsan

Igor Kartsan, Dr. Sc., Docent, Leading Researcher, Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia


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