Sensitivity analysis of the parameters of the autonomous vehicle wheel sliding model

E. O. Guryanova

V. N. Arbuzov

D. A. Akimov


Keywords: autonomous vehicle, antilock control system, wheel slip, parameter sensitivity analysis, vertical load distribution, vehicle dynamics.


The paper describes the methodology of sensitivity analysis of wheel slip system parameters for building a brake control system of an autonomous mobile object. A model of the dynamics of wheel slip dynamics of an autonomous vehicle during braking in the form of a transfer function was developed, and the frequency characteristics were constructed using a Bode diagram.

Author Biographies

E. O. Guryanova

Ekaterina Guryanova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Automatic Systems, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Russia

V. N. Arbuzov

Vladimir Arbuzov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Russia

D. A. Akimov

Dmitry Akimov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Russia


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