Development of the K-Means model to identify the most profitable offers on the Moscow real estate market

M. A. Zuev

V. M. Shibaev

K. S. Balanev


Keywords: data clustering, K-Means, real estate analysis, selection optimization, machine learning, Moscow real estate market


The article discusses the application of the K-Means clustering model to analyze the Moscow real estate market. The main focus is on market segmentation in order to identify the most profitable offers. The data used includes parameters of cost, area, proximity to the subway, year of construction and other characteristics of real estate. The elbow method was used to determine the optimal number of clusters, which was subsequently increased to eight for more accurate segmentation. The results showed that cluster 0 represents the most affordable and profitable offers. The K-Means model developed during the study can be used by buyers to optimize the housing selection process, reducing time and financial costs.

Author Biographies

M. A. Zuev

Maxim Zuev, student, Department of "BIT", Institute of Engineering and Economics, direction "Applied Informatics", National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia

V. M. Shibaev

Vladimir Shibaev, student, Department of "BIT", Institute of Engineering and Economics, direction "Applied Informatics", National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia

K. S. Balanev

Kirill Balanev, assistant Professor, National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia


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