Information and communication technologies of organization and management of innovative methodological support in preschool educational organizations

U. Sh. Begimkulov

S. A. Olimov


Keywords: management, management of methodological works, platform, innovative methodological support, information and communication technologies, pedagogue, resource, monitoring, management, development centers.


In this article, training programs, audio and video materials related to training topics, foreign and domestic experiences, e-books related to preschool education, tests for pedagogues to improve their knowledge, skills and qualifications are presented for use by directors and pedagogues of remote preschool educational institutions in the educational process. Innovative methodical ( platform includes tests, re-established connections for pedagogues to ask their questions, new methods, methodologies and technologies for pedagogues to carry out quality and efficient training, guidelines for the use of ICT, and modern educational games.

Author Biographies

U. Sh. Begimkulov

Uzokboy Begimkulov, vice-rector for transformation, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

S. A. Olimov

Sodik Olimov, doctoral student at the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Directors and Specialists of Preschool Educational Organizations, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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